Scavenger Hunts for all Ages
Hover over the first image and use the arrows to scroll through the images or select "play" to see them as a slideshow.
If you right click on one you can save it as a photo. If you want a paper copy, let us know and we can print one for you to pick up at the Library.
If you right click on one you can save it as a photo. If you want a paper copy, let us know and we can print one for you to pick up at the Library.
Carthage Architecture Walk
Below are 32 pictures taken outside of buildings in Carthage, either on the square or less than 2 blocks off of the square.
Find the building for each photo and write down the name of the building/business. All are visible from the sidewalk, although for some the best view may be from the opposite side of the street. There may be more than one photo from the same building.
Our Contest is finished - answers posted below
Five families entered the contest and four of them completed it with all of the correct answers.
Congratulations to the DeSotel family whose name was drawn to win $10 in Carthage cash.
The other 3 families will each receive $5 in Carthage Cash.
Congratulations to the DeSotel family whose name was drawn to win $10 in Carthage cash.
The other 3 families will each receive $5 in Carthage Cash.