Superhero ideas for kids.
Superhero plate maskyou will need markers/paint, paper plate, scissors, and a hole punch
Super Hero Bag CraftGlue, paper, googly eyes, and some markers is all you need for this craft!
Super Hero Yoga PosesSuper Hero Yoga!!!!.
Would you Rather GameWould you rather super hero edition! multiple pages of questions. You can view online or print off.
Make a super cape! No sewingNecessary Materials seen in picture above
10 clever ideas for The Supherhero at your house!Best for younger kids!!!!
Superhero Treasure hunt! Superhero Jump Catch the Villian Running Through Hula Hoops Busting through a wall Bean Bag attack Shooting a Rocket Thorough a Hoop Crawling through Tunnels xray vision superhero act Sticky Spider Web |